Monday 6 August 2012

sketchbook images from the past year

here is some scanned stuff that i need to organise.

so i am going to count todays post as one my idea days ..

idea everday no 4.

i draw the other nite a couple of ideas on taceing paper so i scanned them in along with sme other stuff that connects to thous ideas or just have the same theame . triangles

enjoy my scans.

these are th drawings the first is a idea for an exhibtion of hanging card with trigles cut into them its about light and perception. the second is a landscape idea where a table built to eye level with have triagles placed apon them to create a londscape and there would light involed too to create shadows.

i hope that enjoyed the images

a new idea every day no.3

a new idea every day no.3

i like graffi art work. and i have thought how i would convert my artwork in a street art sort of way.

may there be white triangles painted everywhere.

signing out day 3