Saturday 4 August 2012

a new idea every day no.2

a new idea every day no.2

ok so i did not do one yesterday. as i went out out. so as my punishment i am going to sort out exteral hard drive and as everyone knows that sorting out files is a bitch,

so my idea for today that i saw some trees on my bus journey home and i got an idea of tieing string to the trees to become a triangle and take photos. thought it come out with some interesting images the mixture of man made material the geomectic shape the natrual earth of nature.

no. 2 sighing out

Thursday 2 August 2012

DAY 1.

a new idea every day

so a new idea everyday this is day 1, had this first idea today so this is day one of the wonderful or awful ideas i will come to have. the first idea. 

each day so that i don't get lost in the humdrum of normal everyday life of sleep wake travel work eat work travel home eat relax bed. because that is how i have been living everyday of my life nearly since i left uni. so i decided i don't want everyday life to become my life but although i know i have to work to get the monies i will have to just have to fit it all in or will die with a grave stone that will just say. 

Cinderella jay 

22.11.88 born

00.00.00 died

she had a go
at life.

so i will everyday even if its the smallest idea or the biggest one of what i imagine about anything. i will type it. and if i don't i will find my self some sort of punishment. like i don't know sorting out my book collection or cleaning my wardrobe or save more monies than i planned for my months wages somthing like that. 

so may the ideas start to roll . 


cinderella signing out.